Every person is looking for comfortable life where they can maintain their good lifestyle and family needs. For this all are looking for some extra definite source of income.
The best solution for this is part time online work. But the problem is scam. Every Where people are being scammed for the part time work, online work etc.
This is the big question who ever working online whether it is scam or legit? If there is bad things exists then just because there must be some good things exists. One who found the good one is earning else asking this question only "Scam or Legit?".
As per my 5+ years of experience in this online field one thing common i seen " Most of time people are blaming that work is scam or not good."
Maximum time online users not understand the work nature and the terms and conditions? But it is also true companies are using dual meaning and confusing word to understand.
Maximum time after registration on any site (ofcourse paying membership fee) they are simply sending e-books for CJ(comission junction) and Click Bank work and those steps too is not clearly explained so the buyer(users) hardly understand any thing to start with mostly those who are newbebies on internet.
Most of time after registered with any said site, you will given some survey site to join and do the site review or survey. The fact is if you are not able to fill the profile info, your intro on account info and etc, very less chance you will get any survey to do or any survey related to your field or interest, so even if you will get any survey and while doing the survey you are not answering with expected answer(options) after few steps you will see this message "sorry unfortunately you are not qualified for this survey" and your survey will close and you won't get any money for those answer and time given. But this doesn't mean it is scam.
Here I am providing good work with neat and clean training to make sure you will earn at least 2500-4500 rupees per month following the training.
For more details of the work and registration processClick here